Acupuncture and Alcohol Detoxification
Alcoholism affects nearly 16 million adults in the United States, yet only approximately 1.5 million Americans actually seek and get help...
Research Update – Acupuncture and Insomnia
Research Update – Acupuncture and Insomnia A study published by the Journal of Sleep Medicine shows acupuncture is a safe and effective...
Research Update – Electroacupuncture for Pain
A study published in Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., tested electroacupuncture for its...
Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Acupuncture for Weight Loss It seems that everybody is always looking for a quick fix or the easiest way out. That is definitely no...
Acupuncture and Cervical Health
Women’s health is a big part of the healthcare industry. And acupuncture can be very beneficial in caring for the overall health of...
Four Ways to Overcome Childhood Obesity
Four Ways to Overcome Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a serious health issue affecting more than 12 million children in the United...